Welcome to a new and exciting year at Hellgate Elementary! In my third year as Superintendent, I continue to be committed to providing our students with a productive, safe, and stellar school year! We are a joyous and caring community with the common goal of nurturing and educating responsible and kind students.
Hellgate Elementary is a K-8 independent school district located in Missoula, Montana. Hellgate Elementary was one of the first school districts established in Montana in 1869. Since its early beginnings as a one-room school district with one teacher, the district has grown to over 1,500 students and 200 employees. Hellgate Elementary, designated a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education, takes great pride in being recognized throughout the state for the educational opportunities we provide for our students. We implement relevant and research-based curriculum, highly regarded remedial academic programs, creative academic enrichment programs, innovative technology, and effective instructional delivery. In addition, we offer a variety of athletic, musical, fine arts, and academic exploratory extra-curricular activities. Hellgate Elementary consistently invests time, energy, and effort by our highly skilled staff to ensure that each student receives a meaningful school experience.
Throughout its history, Hellgate Elementary has been blessed with unwavering community support, financial, as well as volunteer. Together, the Hellgate Elementary community has provided our students with a wonderful, successful, and academically rewarding school experience. In addition, the Hellgate Elementary community has actualized the district's mission of providing an educational learning environment that supports and sustains academic achievement, academic excellence, and life-long learning for all students. The school district, working together with the local community, will continue to be diligent in our efforts to ensure that Hellgate Elementary is a place where children, regardless of background or academic skill level, find a home that is welcoming, encouraging, and willing to help every child have a meaningful school experience.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as the Superintendent. Please stop by and say hello. Together, we will ensure that this school year is one of academic achievement and personal growth for all children.
My best to you,
Molly Blakely, Ed.D