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Student Services

School student services encompass a range of support and resources designed to enhance the overall well-being, academic success, and personal/social development of students. These services can vary among schools but often include the following:

  1. Counseling Services:  School counselors provide academic, career, and personal/social/counseling to all students on a short term basis. They see students individually, in groups, and in the classroom setting. They collaborate with families/teachers/administrators/community to advocate for student success in the school setting and can provide referrals for community services and programs. Counselor duties may vary depending on the grade levels they serve. 

  2. Special Education Services: These services cater to students with special needs, offering support such as individualized education plans (IEPs), resource rooms, and accommodations to ensure equal educational opportunities.

  3. Health Services: School nurses provide basic medical care, administer medications, and handle health-related emergencies. They may also conduct health education programs.

  4. Academic Support: If you are concerned about your student's academic success, please contact your student's teacher(s). If concerns continue, the school can hold a Student Assistance Team (SAT) meeting to monitor academic progress and discuss tiered interventions/supports.

  5. Behavioral Intervention Programs: These services address behavioral issues among students and provide strategies for conflict resolution, emotion, and self regulation.

  6. Extracurricular Programs: Hellgate provides a variety of extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports programs to promote social interaction, teamwork, and personal development.

  7. Nutritional Services: School cafeterias often provide meals and nutritional education programs to promote healthy eating habits among students.

  8. Transportation Services: Transportation services ensure that students can attend classes regularly.

  9. Parental Involvement Programs: These initiatives encourage parents to participate in their child's education through events, workshops, and volunteering opportunities.

These services collectively contribute to creating a supportive and conducive learning environment for students. The specific services offered can vary based on the level of education (elementary, intermediate, or middle school) and the resources available to the school.