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Peanut/Nut Free Campus Policy

Hellgate Elementary is a peanut/nut-free campus facility.  This means that the school food service program and all classrooms will not allow peanuts/nuts and/or products made with peanuts/nuts in their respective areas out of respect and consideration for the ever-growing number of children with peanut/nut allergies.  Please minimize your child's opportunity to bring peanut/nut products and /or products made with peanuts/nuts to school.  The district understands that some children will bring cold lunch to school that contains items made from peanut/nut products.  This cannot be completely prevented.  The district will take precautions to help children with peanut/nut allergies when and if those situations arise.  The district also prohibits families from providing classroom treats to share that contain peanut/nut products and/or products made with peanuts/nuts.