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Tax Credit Donations - Innovative Educational Program


The 2023 Legislature authorized enhanced tax credit opportunities for Montanans to support their local public schools through HB 408.  Tax credit details for the program are available on the Department of Revenue’s  Qualified Education Contributions Guide.  This is a great opportunity to support Hellgate Elementary School District for opportunities to enhance educational experiences for our students.

Donation registration must be completed by January 15th, 2025. You can make cash/check donations directly to Hellgate Elementary School District and receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your 2025 state tax bill. Your donation can help Hellgate Elementary expand innovative educational programs that benefit our students through enhanced:

  • Transformational and advanced learning opportunities
  • Programs, services and equipment for students with disabilities
  • Work-based learning partnerships
  • Post-secondary credit and career certifications
  • Technologies that improve student experiences and opportunities

Time is critical to earn this dollar-for-dollar tax credit, which is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Here are some important caps to be aware of:

  • Individuals or corporations can donate up to $200,000 per year for innovative educational programs.
  • The aggregate amount of tax credits that may be claimed statewide in 2025 is $6,000,000.

Hellgate Elementary is registered on the Montana Department of Revenue’s (DOR) Education Donations Portal to accept donations for the Innovative Educational Program Tax Credit.

  • If you or your business want to make a cash donation to Hellgate Elementary School District for the Innovative Educational Program Tax Credit, please send an email to stating the donation is for “Innovative Educational Programs.”  The following information is required for the District to record the donation on the Department of Revenue tax credit portal. Emails/Donations will be recorded on a first come, first served basis.
    • In your email please include the following information:
      • Donation reason:  Innovative Educational Programs
      • Amount of the donation
      • Your name (or Business Name)
      • Last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
      • Your mailing address
      • Your physical address
      • Your email address 
  • Hellgate Elementary must have actual receipt of a cash donation (or check) before we can pre-register the donation. A pledge or promise of a donation is not sufficient for a PSD or SSO to preregister a donation.  *Please contact Justine Reese at 406-532-4024, to make arrangements to receive your donation at the Hellgate Elementary Admin Office: 2385 Flynn Lane, Missoula, MT  59808.
  • Hellgate Elementary will enter your information in the Education Donations Portal.  All information is confidential tax information and will not be shared publicly.
  • Once the District records the donation, the DOR will pre-approve the donation (so long as the individual and statewide thresholds noted above have not been exceeded) and you will receive a confirmation number and receipt that you will then utilize when filing taxes for 2025.

*NOTE:  There is a chance the $6 million cap will be met before your donation is recorded.  If your donation is not accepted by the DOR because the aggregate limit was reached, you will not be obligated to make the donation. 

The statewide aggregate threshold of $6 million is tracked on the DOR Education Donation Portal homepage, which shows the credit availability in real time.

If you have any questions, please contact Justine Reese at the Hellgate Elementary Administrative Office:; 406-532-4024 or Dona Losett at the Montana Department of Revenue at (406) 444-1991 or

Please see the FAQ  webpage for frequently asked questions and answers.