Dear Parents and or Guardians:
Hellgate Elementary does not provide student accident insurance through the school district’s insurance liability program. However, Special Markets Insurance Consultants, Inc. does provide student accident insurance coverage. As the company’s promotional information suggests, school recesses, one-day field trips, school athletics, and general day-to-day activities can all lead to student injuries. Having insurance coverage during school hours, or around the clock can help provide you, the parent and/or guardian with a level of financial coverage in case your child(ren) has an accident at school.
Special Markets Insurance Consultants, Inc. is a company that specializes in providing student accident insurance to school-aged children at a limited cost to parents and/or guardians. On the district’s website you will find several pieces of information from Special Markets Insurance Consultants, Inc. that outline what the company can provide to parents and/or guardians.
To research which plans are being offered by Special Markets Insurance Consultants, Inc., please continue scrolling through the district’s website and/or visit the online enrollment tool at www.k12specialmarkets.com.